Hi everybody!


My name is Therese, I’m 19 years old and I love oldies, especially 70s music. So I thought to make a homepage, which is dedicated to my favourite band -The Sweet (and AS Sweet of course ;)). Most people say, it’s remarkable and I can understand them. I didn’t live at that time, so I always get the question: “How does it happen that a girl at your age loves such an "old" band??"

Well, it’s a long story.


I was sitting in my room and while I was listening to the radio, when suddenly… a song started, which had a nice rhythm. It was “Little Willy”. I took my mobile phone and recorded the song, because I didn’t know, who’s singing this song. My brother told me, it’s Sweet. I had never heard something about a band called “Sweet”.

A while later…

I saw a TV show about oldies. And Sweet were the number one with the song “Fox On The Run” and it was interpreted by AS Sweet. My curiosity grew more and more. I bought a Very Best Of-CD. And I started to like their songs. I don’t know the exactly date anymore, when I said to myself: “Therese, that’s the band, you were looking for.”


Just why Sweet?


1st reason: the musical variety. From Bubblegum Rock via Glam Rock through to Hard Rock.

2nd reason: I love them like they are, edgily.

3rd reason: look at these cute guys, say no more. :)


I think, most young people are listening to modern bands. That’s the way of the world. But I don’t care! I would never change my taste of music! To sum up I can say that I only like a few current songs/bands. Modern stuff is crap mostly, ‘cause it has nothing to do with music anymore…


Oldies but Goldies, eh?


That’s all for now. Let me know, if you have any questions (-> guestbook or personal message)


Take care and STAY SWEET!!!



Therese, “Tea” for short :P


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